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Tools for Activists

Tools for Activists

        This page has links to resources for activists working on nuclear weapons abolition and related issues. It includes WSLF working papers on organizing in the United States, hand-outs on media and other skills, and some links we have found useful.

Some Thoughts about the Path to Abolition of Nuclear Weapons and Strategies for Organizing in the United States, Western States Legal Foundation Working Paper #1, Andrew M. Lichterman, April 1999 pdf download
Up from the Concrete: Making Connections and Building Coalitions for a U.S. Movement to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Western States Legal Foundation Working Paper #2, Andrew M. Lichterman, January 2000 pdf download
WSLF Media Kit for Activists (1998)
Declaration of John Burroughs Regarding International Law and Treaty Issues, in State of Washington v. Bernard, December 1998. Submitted in support of defendants arrested protesting the deployment of Trident submarines carrying multiple warhead nuclear missiles in Bangor, Washington. pdf download

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